Why every 20 something millennial or Genz invest in Friendship

Because these are the people who will be there for you when all your lost lovers walk away.

These are the people who will be there through the messiness, the ugliness and the moments you feel most unworthy. People don’t become friends just by chance. They are destined to be in your life. They teach us, grow with us, show us how to truly laugh, let go and enjoy life the way we are meant to.

On Romantic relationship: Romance may get all of the attention but at the end of the day your best friends will walk through life with you.

Life is about both shadow and light, your friends are that light. So, please express them how much you love them, go on friendship dates, normalise spoiling your friends with gifts and hugging them tight.

Normalise fights, start teaching yourself that it’s okay to have expectations in friendship, you’ll have both happy and sad days, that your friendship is real, not perfect.

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