The Personal Nature of Suffering and Happiness

Suffering and happiness – two contrasting emotions that shape our lives in profound ways. While happiness often feels expansive, easily shared among friends and loved ones, suffering, on the other hand, remains deeply personal, confined to the depths of our being.

When happiness fills our hearts, it’s a natural inclination to extend the joy to others. We gather friends, invite them to celebrate, and bask in the warmth of shared energy. In those moments, trust flows effortlessly, and insecurities melt away.

But when suffering grips us, it’s a solitary journey. Each pang of pain is felt to the core, resonating in our bones and skin. There’s an instinctual need to retreat, to isolate oneself from the world. The grieving heart seeks solace in solitude, unable to trust even the closest companions with its burden.

It’s in these contrasting moments – the highs of happiness and the lows of suffering – that the true nature of human emotion reveals itself. Happiness is communal, easily shared and celebrated. But suffering, oh suffering, it’s an intimate affair, a journey of self-work and healing.

How we process suffering, how we navigate its twists and turns, is a deeply personal endeavor. There’s no guidebook, no roadmap – just the rawness of our emotions and the resilience of the human spirit.

So, I’m curious – how do you perceive suffering and happiness? Are they mere emotions, or do they hold deeper significance in shaping our lives? Share your thoughts, your perspectives. Let’s embark on this journey together, exploring the intricacies of the human experience.

Finding Humor in Life’s Unexpected Moments

Life has a funny way of throwing unexpected curveballs our way, doesn’t it? As Charlie Chaplin famously said, “Life is a tragedy in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.” And nowhere is this sentiment more evident than in the seemingly mundane moments of our day-to-day lives.

Take, for instance, my journey to Kedarnath, a sacred pilgrimage site nestled in the heart of the Himalayas. Amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the mountains and the solemnity of the shrine, I encountered a moment that was both bewildering and strangely humorous.

As I stood in quiet reverence within the sanctum of the temple, a sudden jolt broke the tranquility. Before I knew it, I found myself on the receiving end of a sharp blow, courtesy of an Aghori baba who mistook me for making a video within the sacred space.

In that moment, I was filled with a mix of shock and indignation. How could someone misinterpret my actions so egregiously? I felt compelled to defend myself, to assert my innocence in the face of such unwarranted aggression.

But as the dust settled and I stepped outside the shrine, a curious thing happened. Rather than dwelling on the injustice of the situation, I found myself chuckling at the absurdity of it all. Here I was, a mere mortal caught in the crossfire of misunderstanding, while the universe seemed to revel in its own twisted sense of humor.

In the days that followed, the incident lingered in my mind, a nagging reminder of my momentary lapse in composure. Perhaps I should have reacted differently, I thought to myself. Maybe I could have defused the situation with a simple apology.

But as time passed, my perspective shifted. What once felt like a source of frustration became a source of amusement, a shared anecdote that brought laughter to myself and my friends alike. We joked about the absurdity of the encounter, marveling at the unpredictability of life and the strange twists of fate that lead us down unexpected paths.

And so, in the end, I came to realize that even life’s most trying moments have a way of revealing their own peculiar brand of humor. For in the grand tapestry of existence, it is often the most unexpected moments that leave the deepest impression, reminding us to embrace the absurdity of it all and find laughter in the face of adversity.

A Reflection on Self-Worth and Gratitude

As I sit here today, reflecting on the passage of time, I find myself astounded by the transformation I’ve undergone. It’s been a journey spanning eight to nine years, marked by a profound shift in perspective. Looking back, I can’t help but recognize the triviality of the fears and insecurities that once held me captive.

For far too long, I allowed myself to be consumed by the fear of abandonment, lacking trust in my own abilities, and succumbing to a pervasive belief that something was fundamentally wrong with me. I made a habit of leaving things before they could leave me, always anticipating a negative outcome and striving tirelessly to please those around me, often at the expense of my own well-being.

But amidst the chaos of my inner turmoil, I embarked on a spiritual quest. Through meditation, surrendering to the universe, and harnessing the power of mantras, I began to find solace. Each moment spent in quiet contemplation, whether reciting the Hanuman Chalisa or chanting “Om Namah Shivaya,” brought with it an unparalleled sense of peace.

I’ve come to realize that perhaps, had I embarked on this path sooner, I could have altered the course of my destiny. But dwelling on the past serves no purpose. Instead, I choose to focus on the present and the profound impact my newfound sense of calmness has had on my life.

Though my journey is far from over, I find myself in a place of contentment. Despite facing adversity on a daily basis – doubts, failures, and rejection – I am unwavering in my gratitude. I’ve learned to prioritize my emotional and spiritual well-being above all else, nurturing relationships with love and care while maintaining a healthy distance when necessary.

Every breath I take is a gift, a reminder of the miraculous nature of existence. Whether I’m conquering mountains despite my physical limitations or finding abundance in the warmth of my home and the company of loved ones, I am filled with gratitude.

I no longer doubt my worthiness or question the validity of my blessings. Everything I receive is a reflection of my inherent value, a testament to the power of faith and perseverance.

As I continue on this journey, I am filled with hope for the future. With each passing day, I grow stronger, more resilient, and more deeply connected to the divine forces that guide me.

In the end, it’s not about the struggles we face or the obstacles we overcome, but rather the unwavering belief in ourselves and the universe’s infinite capacity for transformation. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Being easy is fun try it

In the journey of becoming someone easy to be around, I’ve learned that simplicity is a powerful ally. It’s about being effortlessly approachable, adaptable, and unfazed by the twists and turns of life. Understanding my triggers became my compass, guiding me through the labyrinth of emotions and reactions.

The pivotal realisation dawned upon me: relinquishing control over people, situations, and outcomes is the cornerstone of embracing ease. It’s akin to stepping onto a train of anxiety and swiftly disembarking as soon as the familiar loop threatens to entangle me. Letting go has become my superpower.

Being easy isn’t about indifference; it’s a profound sense of caring without letting flaws cloud judgment. I’ve discovered that as I age, being easy is a ballet of compassion and empathy, a conscious choice to prioritise connection over criticism.

In the tapestry of my past, rigidity held me captive, and I witnessed myself unravelling under the weight of inflexible thoughts. I erroneously attributed my struggles to external factors, believing everything was either black or white. However, life’s palette is an intricate array of grey hues.

Perhaps, in acknowledging the nuanced shades of existence, I’ve encountered the truth that life can be challenging, people imperfect, and situations complex. Yet, the beauty lies in embracing these challenges. They no longer appear as impassable barriers but rather dissolve into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Through the lens of newfound ease, my perspective has shifted. Life’s inherent messiness is no longer a cause for distress; instead, it’s an invitation to revel in its unpredictability. People are flawed, and situations can be tough. But the secret to living is to smile while negotiating these complexities.

So here’s to the journey of embracing ease—a journey where judgement takes a backseat and compassion takes the wheel. Life’s vibrant spectrum awaits, and I’m ready to waltz through its grey areas with a heart full of understanding and a spirit unburdened by rigidity.

Embracing Self-Love: Navigating Confidence in a Critical World

Navigating the landscape of being fully present and at peace with ourselves is an arduous journey, laden with internal battles. Why is it that we effortlessly offer unwavering support to others, yet when it comes to extending that same kindness to ourselves, a self-loathing dialogue ensues?

Reflecting on my life, I’ve never forgotten a moment when I wasn’t there for someone in need. I tirelessly strive to reciprocate the same honesty and love for myself, but instead, I face the harshest critic within, dissecting every perceived misstep.

The intricacies of personal rights, correctness, and the essence of self-judgment form the crux of our existence. It’s a nuanced dance of where we choose to deliberate, pass judgments, and fully embrace our entitlements.

In my world, confidence is intricately woven with self-assurance. Superficial concerns like appearance and attire fade into insignificance during moments of vulnerability; what truly matters is how I treat myself. The sanctuary of solitude, nourishing one’s thoughts in the quietude, becomes the ultimate security. Amidst the cacophony of the external world, being alone, making life-altering decisions independently—these were gifts from my family during my formative years. Sadly, as I grew older, the echoes of external validations made me question the innate gifts I once held dear.

The reassurance one rarely receives at home is drowned out by external judgments. In the pursuit of acceptance, we often compromise our own security. The journey to self-love demands we meet ourselves halfway, valuing our inherent worth. Unshackle yourself from the need for external validation; let others align with your authenticity. Love yourself—it’s a gift worth cherishing. So, indulge yourself, embark on that adventure, and treat yourself to a date that celebrates the wonderful soul you are.

Life’s magic lies in the readiness to accept blessings

In the midst of the daily grind, a sudden surge of inspiration led me to make this Diwali extraordinary—a journey to Kedarnath. With the support of a senior, I navigated through the maze of bookings, overcoming the initial hurdle of an unavailable helicopter ticket.

Family discontent loomed as I announced my solo Diwali plans. The day unfolded into a series of challenges: missed trains, taxi rejections, and midnight searches for accommodation. The solo female traveler struggle hit its peak, and the absurdity of it all left me feeling foolish.

On the helipad at 5 AM, an obedient early bird, my day seemed wasted as the flight got cancelled. Disappointment loomed, and the return to Delhi began. Yet, amid the chaos, the universe revealed its miraculous script.

God’s elusive energy took a tangible form that day. Surrounded by unexpected help, strangers became divine messengers, the perfect Diwali gift I hadn’t dared to ask for.

Amidst the disappointment, a chance encounter unfolded—a connection that felt rooted in past lives. Uncertain if our paths will cross again, the moment is etched in my heart, a piece of the puzzle I’d been seeking.

Life’s magic, as I discovered, lies in the alignment of readiness and timing. The journey brought forth kindness, friendship, and care, a rarity in recent times.

This Diwali, beyond the cancelled flights and missed trains, became a cinematic masterpiece scripted by the divine, a reminder that amidst life’s challenges, there are always opportunities waiting to unfold.

Spirituality ?

Awakening to Spirituality After 27 Years of Prayer Discovery

For almost three decades, the concept of spirituality and the power of prayer remained a distant, enigmatic realm to me. Life had been a relentless battle, especially during my mid-twenties to nearly thirty, as I grappled with the weight of clinical depression and anxiety.

From 2015 to 2018, depression had cast its shadow over my existence. Subsequently, anxiety took over my life, condemning me to years of pain, suffering, and perpetual unease. Each day felt like a relentless flight for survival, and I yearned for release.

Yet, right before the onset of the pandemic, something serendipitous happened. I stumbled upon a video featuring Shivani. Her words and wisdom ignited a spark of hope within me. Though her influence started to reshape my perspective, my battle with anxiety, my job struggles, unemployment, and the constant emotional turmoil persisted.

I lived my life, waiting for the storm within me to subside, but the elusive destination of peace and tranquility remained out of reach. I wrestled with negative thoughts despite my accomplishments, and I even left behind my dream projects to regain control over my mental well-being.

In 2021, I delved into Rajyoga yoga and meditation. The practice began to soothe the relentless anxiety that had plagued me. By 2022, I found myself in a more stable place, yet occasional triggers from my past continued to disrupt my peace.

Then, in 2023, something extraordinary occurred. I began to feel a deep connection with Maharji, a figure I had never known or heard of before. It all began seven months ago when his image started appearing during my meditation sessions. It was perplexing, yet I felt an undeniable pull toward him.

One particularly anxious night, I sought solace in chanting the Hanuman Chalisa while sitting before an image of Hanuman Ji in my home. To my astonishment, it filled me with an extraordinary sense of strength, mindfulness, calm, and presence in the moment.

Since that night, Maharji has become my confidant, the one who comprehends my thoughts, desires, and innermost fears. He knows me in ways no one else ever could. Seven months have passed, and my anxiety has vanished without a trace. Transient worries may still cross my mind, but an abiding sense of serenity prevails.

When I say that he knows everything and will look out for me, it stems from a place where my unwavering faith dwarfs any momentary setbacks.

Every day, amidst my daily responsibilities, I find my soul tuned in, chanting “Ram.” There are moments when the urge to recite the Hanuman Chalisa seven times a day grips me, although distractions often reduce it to three.

Day by day, God draws closer to me. My connection with the divine deepens, and I embrace life with newfound faith and a profound sense of inner peace.

Finding My Blogging Voice – An Evening of Comedy and Reflection


I’ve been wrestling with the idea of reviving my blog lately. It’s that itch to express myself and channel my energies into something creative. But here’s the catch—I couldn’t quite pinpoint what I wanted to blog about. Until now.

So, imagine a blog called “Haywire Blog” where I spill my unfiltered thoughts and feelings. But let’s rewind a bit. I recently attended a comedy show featuring a talented female comedian. She was good—no, she was great. Yet, amidst the laughter and applause, there was a subtle comparison to her male counterparts like Bassi, Abhishek, and others.

Now, let me clarify: I don’t see her that way. But it was evident that many in the audience were subconsciously making that comparison. Still, there was an energy in the room that was infectious. People were laughing, cheering, and whistling at her witty quips.

There she was, holding a microphone, venturing into a profession dominated by men in India. She was humble enough to know that not every joke would land perfectly, yet she stood there, making half the world laugh. I refrained from clicking any pictures; I wanted to absorb the moment without any distractions.

As the show drew to a close with a heartfelt “thank you,” I couldn’t help but feel a shift within me. Watching her perform on that stage, despite her fears, made me question my own existence on this planet.

I used to write blogs. My posts were like a public record of my private life. But somewhere along the way, I stopped. Maybe it was self-doubt. Perhaps I believed I wasn’t the best writer, or maybe I thought I was the worst.

But you know what? You never know. One day, I might revisit those old blogs to trace the timeline of my life. That comedy show changed something in me. It celebrated the small, seemingly insignificant details of life—the things we tend to forget as we rush forward, but that suddenly make so much sense when you look around for stories that have the power to move you.

So, here I am, on the verge of reviving my blog. And as I take this journey, I invite you to join me. Let’s explore the little things that make life worth living, one story at a time.

Stay tuned for more tales from the “Haywire Blog.”

Why every 20 something millennial or Genz invest in Friendship

Because these are the people who will be there for you when all your lost lovers walk away.

These are the people who will be there through the messiness, the ugliness and the moments you feel most unworthy. People don’t become friends just by chance. They are destined to be in your life. They teach us, grow with us, show us how to truly laugh, let go and enjoy life the way we are meant to.

On Romantic relationship: Romance may get all of the attention but at the end of the day your best friends will walk through life with you.

Life is about both shadow and light, your friends are that light. So, please express them how much you love them, go on friendship dates, normalise spoiling your friends with gifts and hugging them tight.

Normalise fights, start teaching yourself that it’s okay to have expectations in friendship, you’ll have both happy and sad days, that your friendship is real, not perfect.

Wrong timelines

I’d had many other childhood dreams- becoming a journalist, mastering the art of making perfect chai- that were painless to let go of. But this married by 30 timeline had stuck.

somewhere along the way, I’d internalised the idea what a successful life meant – post graduating from foreign university, getting the dream job, never leaving my person, getting married to first love by 28. Deep in my psyche was a small voice gnawing away at me telling me that failure.

Boom 2020 was the year, I was supposed to ramp up my higher education, push myself outside my comfort zone and live independently away from my big dsynfuctional but loving family instead, I found myself newly unemployed.l landed to my bad( room) instead of new country.While I was traumatised with the corona I watched my friends went from casually dating to moving in with their respective partners and honestly I never felt my singleness more acutely.

I had always been a carefree kid – a rebel kid, a dedicated employee, an extroverted networker. But during this time “ A sense of I am losing a year” for the first time in my life I felt.I felt like I was falling behind.

For some reason, I was drawn to a Sunset, trees, moon and park, walk and earphones so I decided to go for a walk everyday.First few weeks I literally forced myself to get up from my bed and leave the house but I’m glad it’s been more than 8 months I am regular with habit, I started eating healthy, I check my calories intake with this I gained a sense of momentum. I still feel stressed about my career, professional life and personal life. I still feel anxious, sometimes my anxiety kicks in too but I’m training myself to become more comfortable, confident with in me.

I’m pushing myself to celebrate the unexpected moments.
