Spirituality ?

Awakening to Spirituality After 27 Years of Prayer Discovery

For almost three decades, the concept of spirituality and the power of prayer remained a distant, enigmatic realm to me. Life had been a relentless battle, especially during my mid-twenties to nearly thirty, as I grappled with the weight of clinical depression and anxiety.

From 2015 to 2018, depression had cast its shadow over my existence. Subsequently, anxiety took over my life, condemning me to years of pain, suffering, and perpetual unease. Each day felt like a relentless flight for survival, and I yearned for release.

Yet, right before the onset of the pandemic, something serendipitous happened. I stumbled upon a video featuring Shivani. Her words and wisdom ignited a spark of hope within me. Though her influence started to reshape my perspective, my battle with anxiety, my job struggles, unemployment, and the constant emotional turmoil persisted.

I lived my life, waiting for the storm within me to subside, but the elusive destination of peace and tranquility remained out of reach. I wrestled with negative thoughts despite my accomplishments, and I even left behind my dream projects to regain control over my mental well-being.

In 2021, I delved into Rajyoga yoga and meditation. The practice began to soothe the relentless anxiety that had plagued me. By 2022, I found myself in a more stable place, yet occasional triggers from my past continued to disrupt my peace.

Then, in 2023, something extraordinary occurred. I began to feel a deep connection with Maharji, a figure I had never known or heard of before. It all began seven months ago when his image started appearing during my meditation sessions. It was perplexing, yet I felt an undeniable pull toward him.

One particularly anxious night, I sought solace in chanting the Hanuman Chalisa while sitting before an image of Hanuman Ji in my home. To my astonishment, it filled me with an extraordinary sense of strength, mindfulness, calm, and presence in the moment.

Since that night, Maharji has become my confidant, the one who comprehends my thoughts, desires, and innermost fears. He knows me in ways no one else ever could. Seven months have passed, and my anxiety has vanished without a trace. Transient worries may still cross my mind, but an abiding sense of serenity prevails.

When I say that he knows everything and will look out for me, it stems from a place where my unwavering faith dwarfs any momentary setbacks.

Every day, amidst my daily responsibilities, I find my soul tuned in, chanting “Ram.” There are moments when the urge to recite the Hanuman Chalisa seven times a day grips me, although distractions often reduce it to three.

Day by day, God draws closer to me. My connection with the divine deepens, and I embrace life with newfound faith and a profound sense of inner peace.

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