Life without regrets

As I am 90’s  kid few of my hobbies developed around that time. This was a time when most of the activities meant going outdoors and for that matter, my favourite hobbies from my early childhood years were born out of doors.
I had a very indulgent, active, and cheerful childhood where I used to spend most of my time searching for Jamun and Mulberries on the trees that lined our streets. My favourite things to do or hobbies were swimming, playing tennis, cycling, and spending time with friends.

Later on, in the early 2000s, I started spending my time playing computer games and this was when I fell in love with MS paint. But still, I continued with my old love – Swimming.
Meanwhile, as I was growing up, I never gave a serious thought to what my favourite hobbies are! Lately, after spending a fair amount of time introspecting about it, I realised I’m more inclined towards reading articles online, exploring Instagram, spending my leisure time with loved ones, reading while commuting in metro and watching web series when feeling dejected about life. The one thing that helps me celebrate life is – to dance like no one’s watching.
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What I personally feel though, is that I am still searching for that one favourite hobby. I am still exploring that part of me and sometimes this search makes me think that there is something missing in my life, it’s incomplete and desperately needs something to fill that hole. I feel like there is an inexplicable pressure on me now to look for that one particular hobby to live a happy life.
I stand back, look at myself and sigh. All I think is that I will find it someday and till then I have to make peace with what I have.

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